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Vermont Registered Agent

- Rated 4.5/5 by 99 clients on Google+

Your business must appoint a Vermont registered agent to receive documents in legal matters, including notice of lawsuit. Our reliable registered agent service fulfills this requirement. You get:

  • Same-day documents from our local office in Shelburne
  • Immediate online access to state forms with our address and, where required, our signature
  • Annual fees from $89Multi-Year Discount to $99 per state with no additional charges
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Vermont Registered Agent Education

A Vermont registered agent is the legally designated point of contact for your business or nonprofit. The registered agent receives important legal notices, such as service of process (aka notice of lawsuit), on behalf of your business. Generally, your Vermont registered agent must have a physical location in Vermont and be available during all business hours. Choosing a reliable Vermont registered agent that ensures you receive crucial documents in a timely manner.

You may have discovered the term “registered agent” while filing documents to form or register your business in Vermont. You may have also encountered synonyms, such as “resident agent,” “statutory agent,” or “agent for service of process.” These terms all generally refer to the same thing. This page will help you understand what a Vermont registered agent is and how it works.

Do I Need a Vermont Registered Agent?

Yes, with very few exceptions. Most businesses and nonprofits that form or register in Vermont must have a physical registered agent in Vermont at all times. This includes keeping the agent’s contact information up-to-date with the Vermont Secretary of State - Division of Corporations. This is called “maintaining” a registered agent and helps your company stay in good standing.

Who Can Serve as My Vermont Registered Agent?

You may appoint either an individual or a company to serve as your Vermont registered agent.

Appointing An Individual

Vermont allows you to appoint a consenting individual to serve as your registered agent. Individuals must meet all of the following requirements at all times:

  • The individual must be a resident of Vermont.
  • The individual must make available their name and street address to be included in the public records of Vermont as your registered agent. The street address, called the registered office, must be a physical address in Vermont. A P.O. Box or mailbox service is almost never allowed since the agent must personally sign for your document.
  • The individual must be available at the address listed during business hours to sign for documents.

When deciding on your Vermont registered agent, consider that individuals travel, meet with clients, and take time off. Any absence increases your risk of missing the delivery of important legal notices. A registered agent company is always available to receive documents on behalf of your business.

Appointing A Company

Using our professional registered agent service in Vermont provides the following benefits:

  • Fulfill the state requirement
    We provide a physical office in Shelburne to serve as your agent. This allows your business to meet the statutory obligation to appoint a registered agent in Vermont.
  • Privacy

    Using our registered agent service helps protect the privacy of your business.

    • Avoid receiving a lawsuit in front of your clients and employees. We receive uniformed process servers, notice of lawsuit, and other deliveries discreetly at our offices.
    • Our contact information (not yours) is listed publicly with the Vermont Secretary of State - Division of Corporations.
    • We keep your information confidential and do not give it out to inquirers unless we are legally required to do so.
  • Enjoy flexible hours
    The registered agent is generally required to be available at its physical office during all regular business hours. In an era of remote work and busy schedules, enjoy safety and flexibility in your schedule, while minimizing the risk of a missed delivery.
  • Avoid change fees
    If you move your office, simply let us know your new address. You won't have to worry about change forms and fees with the Vermont Secretary of State - Division of Corporations.
  • Support as you grow
    Harbor Compliance is a nationwide registered agent service provider. As your business grows, you are required to appoint a registered agent in each state. We consolidate your accounts payable through one vendor and help you stay compliant as you grow.
  • Peace of mind
    Our Vermont registered agent service includes local document scanning and same-day electronic delivery. This helps ensure that you have plenty of time to respond in the event of service of process. This peace of mind is worth the investment.

Default Judgment and Administrative Dissolution

Appointing a registered agent that fails in their duties can lead to costly consequences for your business. Legal actions may proceed for failure to receive or respond to service of process. A court may rule a default judgment. The state may dissolve your business following administrative protocol. Have peace of mind about the Vermont registered agent you appoint by hiring our reliable service.

Choosing Harbor Compliance as Your Vermont Registered Agent

How It Works: Vermont Registered Agent Service

We make it easy to sign up and appoint us as your Vermont registered agent. This is how the entire process works.

  1. You will need to decide who your Vermont registered agent is before submitting a filing with the Vermont Secretary of State - Division of Corporations. The Vermont Secretary of State - Division of Corporations lists your registered agent’s name and address in their public records. Hiring our service means our information, not yours, is listed publicly.
  2. Anyone who wants to send your business an official legal document looks up your registered agent’s address. Our local Shelburne office greets process servers and signs for your documents. We locally scan your time-sensitive deliveries to you the same day!
  3. You receive email notification of document delivery. You can also have your colleagues or attorney notified. The email contains a link to access and download your documents online in your Secure Client Portal. When you receive service of process (notice of a lawsuit), we also call the primary contact for your account.

Located in nearby Shelburne, VT!

How to Appoint Us as Your Vermont Registered Agent


Appoint us as your Vermont registered agent when you incorporate your business or form your LLC. Sign up for registered agent service and file using the state forms and instructions in your Client Portal. The forms are pre-filled and signed as required by the state.

Foreign Qualification

Appoint us as your agent when you apply for a certificate of authority to transact business in Vermont. Sign up for Vermont registered agent service and file using the forms and instructions in your Client Portal. The forms are pre-filled and signed as required by the state.

Change Agent

Changing your registered agent to us is easy. Sign up for Vermont registered agent service and file using the forms and instructions in your Client Portal. The forms are pre-filled and signed as required by the state.

Book of Business

Harbor Compliance is a provider of nationwide registered agent service. We can help you consolidate your agent representation and achieve cost savings. Our specialists manage the process to change registered agents so that virtually no work is required on your part. We will complete the state filings to appoint us as your registered agent. Additionally, we can extend your subscription term so that you avoid double payment for any portion of your current contract. There’s no reason to wait. Simply contact us for consolidation and we’ll take care of the rest. If you have registered agent appointments spanning multiple states or entities, contact us today.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Your Vermont registered agent is your company's appointee to receive documents in legal matters. For example, if your business is ever sued, a sheriff or process server will hand-deliver the notice of lawsuit to the registered agent. This is commonly known as “service of process.” In most cases, the registered agent must sign to acknowledge receipt. For that reason, the registered agent must be physically available during all business hours.

Typically, documents delivered to the registered agent are time-sensitive. You may have only a few days to respond to a notice of lawsuit. A reliable Vermont registered agent will receive and forward these critical documents to you quickly.

The physical street address where the registered agent is located is called the registered office. It is here that the registered agent should be available during normal business hours to sign for documents. In addition, many state agencies mail annual report reminders and tax notices to the registered agent.

Service of process is the procedure of giving legal notice to a party, usually a defendant. Typically, notices are accompanied by court documents, such as summons or a lawsuit. Service of process is delivered to the registered agent. If you are served with a lawsuit, you will have limited time to respond so it is important that you have a reliable agent.

You must make a filing with the Vermont Secretary of State - Division of Corporations to appoint a new registered agent for your company. In most states, changing your agent is a simple filing. Generally, there is a nominal filing fee to change your Vermont registered agent.

Here are the exact instructions and fees for how to change your Vermont registered agent.

If you need help changing your Vermont registered agent, or are interested in changing your book of business, contact us for a quote.

Vermont Secretary of State - Division of Corporations

Physical Address:
128 State Street
Montpelier, VT 5633

Phone: 802-828-2386
Fax: 802-828-2853

Website: https://sos.vermont.gov/corporations/
Name Search: https://bizfilings.vermont.gov/online/BusinessInquire
Forms: https://sos.vermont.gov/corporations/fees/
Online Filing: https://www.vtsosonline.com/online/Account?referrer=AR
Email: SOS.CorporationsSupport@vermont.gov

Vermont does not require the signature of your registered agent on your filing documents. However, you should know that in general in Vermont your filings require original inked signatures.

Noncompliance with Vermont statutory law can result in serious consequences for your business. Failure to maintain a registered agent or registered office can result in administrative dissolution of your business by the Vermont Secretary of State.

  • Immediate online service. Sign up and immediately gain access to our address and pre-filled secretary of state templates in your Client Portal.
  • We have local registered agent offices in every state, including in Shelburne, Vermont.
  • Our reliable local Vermont registered agent service scans your documents to you the same day for one flat annual fee.

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© 2012 - 2021 Harbor Compliance. All rights reserved. Harbor Compliance does not provide tax, financial, or legal advice. Use of our services does not create an attorney-client relationship. Harbor Compliance is not acting as your attorney and does not review information you provide to us for legal accuracy or sufficiency. Access to our website is subject to our Terms of Use and Service Agreement.