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Change Your Registered Agent

- Rated 4.5/5 by 99 clients on Google+

Your business must appoint a registered agent to receive documents in legal matters, including notice of lawsuit. Our reliable registered agent service fulfills this requirement. You get:

  • Same-day documents from our local offices in all 50 states.
  • Immediate online access to state forms with our address and, where required, our signature
  • Annual fees from $89Multi-Year Discount to $99 /year per state with no additional charges
A preview of our Registered Agent software

Change of Registered Agent

Changing your registered agent service provider means filing paperwork to update your entity registrations with secretaries of state.

If you would like to change multiple states over to Harbor Compliance and enjoy the full benefits of our service nationwide, let us help. Get in touch, and we’ll handle the entire process for you!

Enjoy the Benefits of Our Registered Agent Service Nationwide

Our professional registered agent service provides important protections. It provides the security of same-day document delivery from all 50 states. It eliminates the risk of having sensitive legal documents or notice of a lawsuit delivered to your office. And it provides redundant, customizable notices of all registered agent deliveries so you can be sure sensitive documents go directly to just the right people.

But our service protects your business in other ways. It saves time and promotes efficiency through thoughtful features such as immediate access to state forms pre-filled with our information. It saves money through fair, transparent pricing with no hidden fees.

You can multiply these benefits exponentially by consolidating registered agent service in all of your states with Harbor Compliance. Enjoy multi-state and multi-year discounts on the service. Leverage the efficiency of our software to provide a single portal not just for registered agent deliveries, but for all aspects of corporate lifecycle management and business licensing.

Learn how to change registered agents in your state:

Continue reading “The "Free Agent" Lie”

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© 2012 - 2021 Harbor Compliance. All rights reserved. Harbor Compliance does not provide tax, financial, or legal advice. Use of our services does not create an attorney-client relationship. Harbor Compliance is not acting as your attorney and does not review information you provide to us for legal accuracy or sufficiency. Access to our website is subject to our Terms of Use and Service Agreement.