Nonprofit Governance by State

Each state has different requirements regarding how your nonprofit is governed, addressing items such as how many board members you must have and how often you hold meetings.

This guide highlights standards for nonprofit governance set by state laws throughout the U.S. In some cases, a nonprofit may be allowed to declare alternative provisions in their articles of incorporation or bylaws.

This table is for nonprofit corporations. See a similar table for for-profit corporations.

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Our Resources:

Alabama Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: Natural person. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • A president, one or more vice-presidents, a secretary, a treasurer and other officers and assistant officers as deemed necessary are required.
  • Term: default is 1 year, 3 year maximum
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same person, except the offices of president and secretary


  • Members: optional, defined in articles
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Alaska Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: Must be natural persons at least 19 years of age. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors on executive committee


  • A president, one or more vice presidents as prescribed by the bylaws, a secretary, and a treasurer are required.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same person, except the offices of president and secretary


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Arizona Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 1
  • Qualifications: An individual. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 director


  • Defined in articles or bylaws. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and authenticates records of the corporation.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Arkansas Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: An individual. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: default is 1 year, 6 year maximum
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • A president, a secretary, a treasurer and such other officers as are appointed by the board.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.
  • Term: 3 year maximum


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

California Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 1
  • Qualifications: None. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year, 4 year maximum unless the corporation has no members, in which case 6 years is the maximum term
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors
  • No director may vote by proxy


  • A corporation shall have a chair of the board, who may be given the title chair of the board, chairperson of the board, chairman of the board, or chairwoman of the board, or a president or both, a secretary, a treasurer or a chief financial officer or both, and any other officers with any titles and duties as shall be stated in the bylaws.
  • Elected by the board
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual, except the president may not also serve as secretary or treasurer.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required in each year where directors are to be elected
  • Quorum: 1/3rd votes


Our Resources:

Colorado Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 1
  • Qualifications: An individual. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 director


  • A president, a secretary, a treasurer, and such other officers as may be designated by the board of directors
  • Qualifications: an individual 18 years or older
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/4th votes


Our Resources:

Connecticut Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: None. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: until the next annual meeting
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 director


  • Defined in articles or bylaws. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and authenticates records of the corporation.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required if members entitled to vote for directors
  • Quorum: majority of entitled votes

District of Columbia

Our Resources:

District of Columbia Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: An individual. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: default is 1 year, 5 year maximum
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 director


  • Minimum 2 separate officers: one responsible for the management of the corporation (e.g. "President") and another responsible for the financial affairs of the corporation (e.g."Treasurer"). One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and keeps a record book.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: majority of entitled votes


Our Resources:

Delaware Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 1
  • Qualifications: Natural person. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: until successor elected and qualified
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 director


  • Defined in bylaws or board resolution. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and keeps a record book.
  • Term: until successor elected and qualified
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: Required, but failure to have members shall not affect otherwise valid corporate acts or work a forfeiture or dissolution of the corporation.
  • Annual meeting: required if members entitled to vote for directors, unless elected by written consent in lieu of a meeting
  • Quorum: 1/3rd votes


Our Resources:

Florida Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: Natural person 18 years of age or older. One director may be 15 years of age or older if permitted by board of directors or bylaws. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year
  • Quorum: majority (Directors younger than 18 years of age may not be counted toward a quorum)
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • Defined in articles or bylaws. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and authenticates records of the corporation.
  • Elected by board
  • Term: 1 year
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: defined in articles or bylaws
  • Quorum: defined in articles or bylaws


Our Resources:

Georgia Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 1
  • Qualifications: Natural person 18 years of age or older. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 director


  • Defined in articles or bylaws. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and authenticates records of the corporation.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Hawaii Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: An individual. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: default is 1 year, 5 year maximum
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • Defined in articles or bylaws. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and authenticates records of the corporation.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Idaho Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3; minimum 1 for a religious corporation
  • Qualifications: An individual. No residency requirement. Must be a member if a cooperative corporation.
  • Term: default is 1 year, 5 year maximum
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • A president, a secretary, a treasurer and such other officers as are appointed by the board.
  • Except in the case of religious corporations, any two or more offices may be held by the same person, except the offices of president and secretary. A religious corporation is not required to have officers.


  • Members: optional; required for a cooperative corporation.
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Illinois Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: None. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: until next election unless staggered as provided in the articles of incorporation or bylaws
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors and directors must be the majority of membership, except for committees involved in electing directors


  • Defined in articles or bylaws. One officer certifies corporate records (e.g. the Secretary).
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual, if the bylaws so provide.


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Indiana Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: An individual. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: default is 1 year, 5 year maximum
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 director


  • A president, a secretary, a treasurer, and other officers appointed by the board of directors. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and authenticates records of the corporation.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Iowa Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 1
  • Qualifications: An individual. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • A president, a secretary, a treasurer, and other officers appointed by the board of directors. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and authenticates records of the corporation.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Kansas Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 1
  • Qualifications: A natural person. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: until successor elected and qualified
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 director


  • Defined in bylaws or board resolution. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and keeps a record book.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Annual meeting: Required if members entitled to vote for directors, unless elected by written consent in lieu of a meeting
  • Quorum: Except for election of the governing body, a majority of those present constitutes a quorum so long as proper notice is provided.


Our Resources:

Kentucky Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: None. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year and until successor elected and qualified
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 director


  • Defined in bylaws or board resolution. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Louisiana Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3. If there are less than 3 members, the minimum number of directors is equal to the minimum number of members.
  • Qualifications: Natural person. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: default is 1 year, 5 year maximum
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • A president, a secretary and a treasurer, and optionally one or more vice presidents.
  • The officer need not be a director.
  • The treasurer may be a corporation.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual, but this person may only sign instruments in one capacity when the signatures of two officers are required.


  • Members: Nonstock nonprofit corporations are assumed to have membership. If there are no members other than the board, then the directors are the members.
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: majority


Our Resources:

Maine Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: None. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors on the executive committee; no minimum on other committees


  • A president, a secretary or clerk, a treasurer and such other officers and assistant officers as may be deemed necessary
  • Term: 1 year
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Maryland Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 1
  • Qualifications: None. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: next annual meeting and until successor elected and qualified
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 director


  • A president, a secretary, and a treasurer are required.
  • Term: 1 year and until successor elected and qualified
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual, if permitted by bylaws, except the offices of president and vice president. This person may sign instruments in only one capacity when the signatures of two officers are required.


  • Members: If there are no members then the directors are members.
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: majority of entitled votes


Our Resources:

Massachusetts Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 1
  • Qualifications: Natural persons. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: minimum 1 year, maximum 5 years
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 director


  • A president, a treasurer, and a clerk are required.
  • The president must be a director.
  • The clerk must be a Massachusetts resident unless a resident agent was appointed.


  • Members: If there are no members then the directors are members.
  • Quorum: majority of entitled votes


Our Resources:

Michigan Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: A corporation organized for purposes described in section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code of 1986 may include 1 or more directors on its board who are 16 or 17 years of age as long as that number does not exceed 1/2 the total number of directors required for a quorum for the transaction of business. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: next annual meeting and until successor elected and qualified
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 director


  • A president, a secretary, and a treasurer are required.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual. This person may sign instruments in only one capacity when the signatures of two officers are required.


  • Members: optional. A corporation organized upon a nonstock basis shall be organized upon a membership basis (has members) or a directorship basis (may or may not have members).
  • Annual meeting: required with the exception of written consent
  • Quorum: majority of entitled votes


Our Resources:

Minnesota Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: Natural persons. Majority must be adults. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year unless otherwise provided for in the articles or bylaws. A term of a director, other than an ex officio director, may not exceed ten years.
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: One or more natural persons, need not be directors.


  • One or more natural persons exercising the functions of the offices of president and treasurer, however designated.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual. This person may sign instruments in only one capacity when the signatures of two officers are required.


  • Members: optional. No members by default.
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Mississippi Startup Guide


  • Number: No minimum in most cases. Set by articles or bylaws. If the nonprofit will solicit contributions in the state then at least 3 directors are required.
  • Qualifications: Individuals. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: default is 1 year, 5 year maximum
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • Defined in bylaws or board resolution. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and authenticates records of the corporation.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Missouri Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: Natural persons. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: default is 1 year, 6 year maximum
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • A chairman or president, or both a chairman and president, a secretary, a treasurer and such other officers as are appointed by the board. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and authenticates records of the corporation.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Montana Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: Individuals. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year unless otherwise specified in the articles or bylaws. Except for designated or appointed directors, the terms of directors may not exceed 5 years.
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • A president, a secretary, and a treasurer are required. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and authenticates records of the corporation.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Nebraska Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: Individuals. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year unless otherwise specified in the articles or bylaws. Except for designated or appointed directors, the terms of directors may not exceed 5 years.
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • A president, a secretary, and a treasurer are required. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and authenticates records of the corporation.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Nevada Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 1
  • Qualifications: Individuals 18 years of age or older. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 director. Non-director members are permissible.


  • A president or a chair of the board, a secretary, and a treasurer are required.
  • Qualifications: Natural person.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Annual meeting: required unless election of directors is specified otherwise in bylaws
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes

New Hampshire

Our Resources:

New Hampshire Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 5 voting members
  • Qualifications: At least 5 voting members who are not of the same immediate family or related by blood or marriage (some exceptions). No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • Defined in bylaws or board resolution. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and authenticates records of the corporation.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional. No members by default.
  • No voting rights except as defined in articles or bylaws.
  • Annual meeting: required
  • Quorum: majority of entitled votes

New Jersey

Our Resources:

New Jersey Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: 18 years old. No citizenship requirement. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 member


  • A president, a secretary, and a treasurer are required.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual. This person may sign instruments in only one capacity when the signatures of two officers are required.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required annually or biennially
  • Quorum: majority of entitled votes

New Mexico

Our Resources:

New Mexico Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: None. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: until successor elected and qualified
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • Defined in bylaws or board resolution. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and authenticates records of the corporation and keeps a record book.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual, if the bylaws so provide.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: 1/10 entitled votes

New York

Our Resources:

New York Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: 18 years of age (some exceptions). No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year unless otherwise specified in the articles or bylaws, 5 year maximum
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 3 directors


  • A president, one or more vice-presidents, a secretary and a treasurer.
  • Term: 1 year
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual, except for president and secretary.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: majority of entitled votes

North Carolina

Our Resources:

North Carolina Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 1
  • Qualifications: Natural person. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 members


  • Defined in bylaws or board resolution.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual. This person may sign instruments in only one capacity when the signatures of two officers are required.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes

North Dakota

Our Resources:

North Dakota Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: Individuals. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: default is 1 year, 10 year maximum for fixed members
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 person who need not be a member or director, except the litigation committee which must contain a minimum of 1 independent directors or other independent persons.


  • A president and secretary are required.
  • Qualifications: 18 years of age or older


  • Members: optional. No members by default.
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Ohio Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: None. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: until successor is elected
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 director


  • A president, a secretary, and a treasurer are required.
  • Qualifications: Need not be a director.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: If there are no members then the directors are members.
  • Regular meeting: required annually. Default date is the first Monday four months following the close of the fiscal year.
  • Quorum: presence of voting members


Our Resources:

Oklahoma Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 1
  • Qualifications: Natural person. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: until successor is elected and qualified
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 director


  • Defined in bylaws or board resolution. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and keeps a record book.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: If there are no members then the directors are members.
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: 1/3rd members


Our Resources:

Oregon Startup Guide


  • Number: Minimum 1 individual for a mutual benefit or religious. Minimum 3 individuals for a public benefit corporation
  • Qualifications: Individuals No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: default is 1 year, 5 year maximum
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • A president, a secretary, and a treasurer are required.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: presence of votes


Our Resources:

Pennsylvania Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 1; default 3
  • Qualifications: Natural person of full age (some exceptions). No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 director


  • A president, a secretary, and a treasurer are required.
  • The president and secretary must be natural persons of full age. The treasurer may be a corporation or a natural person of full age.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: If there are no members, then the directors act as members.
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: majority of entitled votes

Rhode Island

Our Resources:

Rhode Island Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: None. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: default is 1 year, 3 year maximum
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • A president, a secretary, and a treasurer are required.
  • Term: 1 year unless otherwise specified in the articles or bylaws, 3 year maximum
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual, except the offices of president and secretary.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes

South Carolina

Our Resources:

South Carolina Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: Natural person. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: default is 1 year, 5 year maximum
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • A president, a secretary, and a treasurer are required.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes

South Dakota

Our Resources:

South Dakota Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: None. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • A president, one or more vice presidents, a secretary, and a treasurer are required.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual, if so provided in the bylaws, except for president and secretary.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Tennessee Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: Natural persons. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: default is 1 year, 5 year maximum
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 1 natural person who need not be a director


  • A president and a secretary are required.
  • One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and authenticates records of the corporation.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual, except for president and secretary.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Texas Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: None. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: until successor is elected, appointed, or designated and qualified
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: A management committee must have 2 persons and the majority directors (some exceptions).


  • A president and a secretary are required.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual, except for president and secretary.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Utah Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: Natural person 18 years of age or older. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • Defined in bylaws or board resolution. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings, keeps required records, and authenticates records.
  • Qualifications: Natural person 18 years of age or older. Need not be a director.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: presence of voting members


Our Resources:

Vermont Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: Individuals. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: default is 1 year, 6 year maximum
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • A president, a secretary, and a treasurer are required.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual, except president and secretary.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Virginia Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 1
  • Qualifications: None. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • Defined in bylaws or board resolution. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and authenticates records.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Washington Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 1
  • Qualifications: None. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: until successor selected and qualified
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • A president, one or more vice presidents, a secretary, and a treasurer are required.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual, except president and secretary.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes

West Virginia

Our Resources:

West Virginia Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: None. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: until successor selected and qualified
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • Defined in bylaws or board resolution. One officer prepares minutes of the directors' and members' meetings and authenticates records.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: presence of voting members


Our Resources:

Wisconsin Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: Individual. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: 1 year
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 3 directors


  • A president, a secretary, and a treasurer unless otherwise defined in articles or bylaws.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes


Our Resources:

Wyoming Startup Guide


  • Number: minimum 3
  • Qualifications: Individual. No residency requirement. No membership requirement.
  • Term: default is 1 year, 5 year maximum
  • Quorum: majority
  • Committee: minimum 2 directors


  • A president, a secretary, and a treasurer unless otherwise defined in articles or bylaws.
  • Two or more offices may be held by the same individual.


  • Members: optional
  • Regular meeting: required annually
  • Quorum: 1/10th votes
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