Exemption Eligible Organizations: |
- Charities that do not intent to solicit and receive and do not actually receive more than $25,000 in contributions during a fical year and do not use professional fundraisers
- Educational institutions and their authorized and related foundations
- Religious organizations
- Political organizations
- Fraternal, patriotic, benevolent, social, educational, alumni, health care foundation, historical, and civil rights organizations, including fraternities and sororities and any auxiliaries associated with any such organizations
- Civic leagues and civic organizations which solicit contributions solely from their own membership
- Appeals for individuals that raise $10,000 or less
- Any charitable organization receiving an allocation from an incorporated community chest or united fund, provided the chest or fund is complying with this section relating to registration and filing of annual reports with the Attorney General, the charitable organization does not actually receive, in addition to an allocation, contributions in excess of $25,000 during the fiscal year, and all of the fundraising functions of the charitable organization are carried on by persons who are not paid for such services
- A local post, camp, chapter, or similarly designated element, or a county unit of such elements of a bona fide veterans organization, which issues charters to local elements throughout this state, or a bona fide organization of volunteer firefighters, ambulance companies, or rescue squads, or a bona fide auxiliary or affiliate of such organizations, provided all of its fundraising activities are carried on by members of the organization, family members of the members of the organization, volunteers, or an affiliate of the organization and the members receive no compensation, directly or indirectly