Secure Shopping with

You can shop at with confidence.

Secure Communication and Data Protection

We have partnered with DigiCert®️ to provide state-of-the-art data protection for our clients. All communication on our site is conducted via secure, encrypted connections under an active DigiCert®️ SSL (Security Certificate). Data you send to and receive from our website can only be viewed by us and you. You can tell by the padlock on our website address that your information is secure.

Secure Credit Card Processing

We have also partnered with CardConnect, a leading secure payment gateway since 2006, to accept credit cards and electronic check payments safely for our customers.

The CardConnect Payment Gateway manages the complex routing of sensitive customer information through the electronic check and credit card processing networks. Read about data security measures to see how CardConnect protects your private information.

The company adheres to strict industry standards for payment processing, including:

  • State-of-the-art Bolt point-to-point encryption (P2PE) and patented tokenization for ultimate security.
  • Full compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
  • EMV and near field communication (NFC) integration provides secure transactions for chip and contactless cards.
  • For additional information regarding the privacy of your sensitive cardholder data, please read the CardConnect Privacy Policy.
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