New York LLC Publishing

New York requires domestic and foreign LLCs to publish notice of their organization or qualification in New York. Corporations and nonprofits are not currently required to publish.


  • Publishing notices
  • Certificate of Publication


  • Publishing - approx. $200 to $1,000 depending on county
  • Certificate of Publication - $50


  • Publishing - six weeks plus mailing of affidavits
  • Certificate of Publication - 3-4 weeks processing

New York state requires that LLCs publish within 120 days of their effective date in New York. Publishing must run for six consecutive weeks in one daily newspaper and one weekly newspaper in the county of the LLC's principal office address. Publishing notices must contain the following information:

  • Name of the LLC
  • That the LLC has organized or qualified in NYS
  • Date the LLC was filed with NYS
  • County of the principal office
  • A statement that the New York Secretary of State is the agent for service of process
  • Address where service of process should be mailed
  • Name of the New York agent, if any, and address
  • Business purpose

If your business is in New York City, you can likely save money by using a registered agent (such as us) outside the city. The newspapers within New York City tend to charge over $1,000. If you publish outside of the city, you can save significantly on fees. Many people find a registered agent outside of the city and use the address for that agent and office to avoid the NYC fees. As a New York registered agent, our address is located in Albany County. Newspapers in Albany charge roughly $200 total, depending on the length of the business name and the advertisement as a whole.

To further complicate things, NYS requires that LLCs submit a Certificate of Publication after publishing is compete. This document should be filed with the notarized affidavits of publishing from the newspapers. The filing fee for the Certificate of Publication is $50.

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