Corporate Reinstatement Services

Restore your business to good standing with the state.

  • We identify the steps and filing fees required to reinstate your business. $399 per state.
  • You get access to our reinstatement filing services for an additional flat fee.
  • Our managed compliance services help you avoid future loss of good standing.

Reinstate Your LLC or Corporation

Throughout the course of doing business, companies have various compliance requirements to manage. It is easy to miss a deadline and, as a result, to lose good standing with the state or to be administratively dissolved. Loss of good standing can damage your business’ credibility, affect your ability to obtain a certificate of authority in another state, or subject the owners to personal liability.

Harbor Compliance helps you restore your business to good standing. We simplify the process by assisting you with the following ( $399 ):

  • Contact the Secretary of State to understand the reason for loss of good standing
  • Determine any past due filings, including annual reports
  • Identify filings required to reinstate and the associated fees and penalties
  • Provide the exact service fees for Harbor Compliance to prepare and submit your filings

From there, Harbor Compliance can assist with the next steps:

  • Prepare and submit filings with the various state agencies
  • Appoint a registered agent with your reinstatement application
  • Provide confirmation when your entity is reinstated
  • Help you avoid future loss of good standing with our managed compliance services

Our Process

Reinstating a business requires filing with the Secretary of State, and often with the Department of Revenue or Taxation. Researching your business’ unique requirements, and preparing all of the filings takes hours of your executives’ time. Reinstatement services from Harbor Compliance save you time, and take the guesswork out of the process.

When you sign up for our service, a corporate filing specialist contacts you within one business day. We contact various state agencies on your behalf to identify the exact steps necessary to reinstate your business. Your specialist informs you of the filing fees and our flat fees to prepare and file your applications. If you’d like our assistance submitting the filings, your specialist completes each step and sends you confirmation when your business has been reinstated.

Assistance with Required Filings

Once we identify the exact steps to reinstate your business, you can rely on Harbor Compliance to prepare, file, and track the various filings, which often include:

  • Submitting past due annual reports
  • Obtaining certificates and letters of tax clearance
  • Filing the application for reinstatement (articles of reinstatement)

Avoid Future Loss of Good Standing

Once you've gone through the process of reinstatement, you want to keep your business in good standing. Our compliance services designed to help you remain in good standing and stay compliant.

Your first line of defense in keeping your business active and in good standing is appointing a reliable registered agent. Our registered agent service is a flat rate of $99 per year. We provide same-day document scanning from our local office, and you get immediate access to the documents via your online account. Our registered agent service includes annual reports reminders, and we notify you prior to the due date so you can file on time.

We also offer managed annual report services and compliance packages. To learn more about our compliance services, please contact us.

Get back to business as usual. Reinstate your company today.

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