Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

We serve as your registered agent when you file to set up your limited liability partnership.

An LLP is a common business structure for professionals such as attorneys, accountants, and architects. In states where professionals are not permitted to register an LLC, an LLP can provide limited liability with fewer formalities than a corporation.

  • Limit the liability of partners
  • Attract investors who want an active voice in the business
  • We serve as your registered agent
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A limited liability partnership (LLP) is a partnership that typically affords the partners liability protection and the ability to participate in the management of the business.

An LLP is a common business structure for professionals such as attorneys, accountants, and architects. In states where professionals are not permitted to register an LLC, an LLP can provide limited liability with fewer formalities than a corporation. Generally speaking, partners in an LLP are shielded from debts, obligations, and liabilities resulting from another partner’s negligence, malpractice, or misconduct.

General vs. Limited Partners

An LP must contain at least one general partner and one limited partner. If you are managing the business in any capacity, you must be a general partner. Only passive owners may be limited partners.

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