
Start your corporation with full service support from a Compliance Specialist. With our state-by-state expertise and network of offices nationwide, you can incorporate quickly and gain long term assistance with staying compliant.

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Incorporate With Harbor Compliance

  • Fully Managed Service

    1-on-1 Support

    Work closely with your Compliance Specialist every step of the way. Your Specialist is available to answer your questions and provide responsive support as you need it.

    Skip the Paperwork

    Your Specialist prepares and files each government application for you and keeps you informed throughout the entire process.

    Flexible Support

    No matter what stage you’re in, we can help! We can form your corporation from the beginning, “rescue” a filing that has been rejected, or navigate any other unique circumstance you may be in.

  • Expert Advice

    1,000s of Businesses

    Our Compliance Specialists are the best in the business. They have experience helping thousands of companies like yours form and stay compliant. Your Specialist will have the expertise to help you every step of the way.

    Supporting Attorneys and Accountants

    Our team of lawyers, paralegals, and government licensing professionals support major legal and accounting firms nationwide.

    Practical Guidance

    In addition to compliance expertise, our Specialists have a wealth of practical knowledge to provide further value as you launch your business.

  • Fastest Processing

    Why Wait to Start?

    When you get started with us, you’ll be introduced to your Specialist within one business day. While other companies take days or even weeks to staff your project, we take minutes.

    Correct Applications = Faster Results

    Rejected filing are a major reason why new companies experience delays when starting out. We prepare your applications completely and correctly to avoid such processing delays.

    Expedite Options

    We have offices nationwide for in person filing with the states to receive the fastest processing available. We make these full expedite options available to you.

Navigating government filings is complex. Harbor Compliance makes it easy.

Forming a fully compliant corporation is more than just filing with the state. Managing ongoing compliance is even more complex. Thankfully, we are here to turn this complex and time consuming process into a simple one! Our full service solutions eliminate the need for you to spend hours agonizing over forms and researching requirements. Our Compliance Specialists collect your information and customize each application so that they get approved. You simply review and sign the documents your Specialist prepares. We handle the rest!

Fully Managed Startup Services

Incorporation Package

We'll introduce you to your Compliance Specialist within one business day to collect the information needed to form your corporation. Your Specialist will prepare each of your filings to establish your corporation including your articles of incorporation, Federal EIN application, and corporate bylaws. If you have already completed any of these steps, your Specialist will review your work in detail and make any necessary changes.

Compliance Package

Our Compliance Package goes beyond the simple incorporation and provides complete support through the first year of operation. You have the option to renew thereafter at a low annual fee. Your Specialist will provide seamless assistance with additional registrations required in your state of incorporation. Your Specialist will manage your annual reports to the secretary of state, publishing as required, and other filings as necessary to keep your corporation in good standing. Our Compliance Package allows you to focus on growing your business!



Name Availability 
Articles of Incorporation 
Federal EIN 
Registered Agent 
S-Corp Tax Election 
Initial Report 
Managed Annual Report Service 
Ongoing Support 
A logo of Loudoun Insurance Group, LLC

They walked us through the whole process step by step and remained in constant communication throughout. The level of service provided by our Account Manager and Corporate Filer was beyond EXCELLENT. They were prompt, courteous, knowledgeable, and detailed… a truly STRESS FREE experience. You will not regret hiring Harbor Compliance!

Stephanie Loudoun Insurance Group, LLC

Frequently Asked Questions

A corporation is a business structure formed under state law. It can limit your personal liability as an owner.

Read more about What is a Corporation?

Liability refers to financial or legal debt. Limited liability means containing the amount of liability an owner has.

An owner who invests in a limited liability business structure such as a corporation is only risking the amount of his or her investment. The owner is not personally responsible for debts and obligations of the business that exceed the assets of the business.

An corporation must be properly set up and run to establish and maintain the “corporate veil” that protects owners from liability.

The owners of a corporation are called shareholders. For example, a corporation is authorized to issue 1,000 shares, and it issues 250 shares to two owners (500 shares issued total). Each shareholder is a 50% owner. Ownership is frequently documented in stock certificates and recorded on the company ledger.

Ownership often entitles the owner to a share of the corporation's profits or losses and to a right to vote in decisions of the corporation. This governance should be defined in the corporation's bylaws.

To add or remove ownership, shareholders transfer shares with each other. Sometimes the corporation issues additional shares or buys back shares from the shareholders.

A corporation is a formal structure with decision-making power split between the shareholders, directors, and officers (as documented in the bylaws). Each participant votes as permitted by their shares or office.

By default, a corporation is taxed as a C-Corp. It may make a special election to be taxed as an S-Corp. Read our article "C-Corp vs. S-Corp: Which Makes Sense for Your Business?"

We want to support you before, during, and after you incorporate. Please contact us to speak with a specialist.

Additional Resources

For even more education about corporations, check out our Information Center and Blog. When you start working with us your specialist works will answer your questions one-on-one.

Choose a Business Structure Limited Liability vs. Liability Insurance C-Corp vs. S-Corp: Which Makes Sense for Your Business? Suffix requirements such as "Inc.", "Corp.", and "Ltd.

Trusted Resources

  • Library of Congress logo
  • Small Business Association logo
  • Score logo
  • Charity Navigator logo
  • Foundation Center logo

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© 2012 - 2021 Harbor Compliance. All rights reserved. Harbor Compliance does not provide tax, financial, or legal advice. Use of our services does not create an attorney-client relationship. Harbor Compliance is not acting as your attorney and does not review information you provide to us for legal accuracy or sufficiency. Access to our website is subject to our Terms of Use and Service Agreement.